A new SEO: Searcher Experience Optimisation

My Journey in Search Engine Optimization

My Journey in Search Engine Optimization

After a few tries at different industries, I’ve found career success in the field of search engine optimization.

Nothing special, really. Oh yes it is! It’s just about freedom, freedom, and more freedom! Without strict rules and negative faces, I can do whatever is in my mind because the people at Google are always thinking and changing as well.

It’s my daily role to bring more organic traffic for clients, boost their rankings, and get more business. Google is my friend and my enemy at the same time. So you could say we are frenemies.

With many years’ experience behind me now, I’m a bit tired of those so-called on-page or off-page optimizations: titles, headings, contents, backlinks, and whatever makes our lives difficult. I believe that Google feels tired as well.

I’m not saying they are no longer important (well, to be honest, that’s what I’m still doing, most of the SEO gurus are doing, and sadly it still has an important role), I just have a feeling that soon these will be no longer important. What’s important then? My answer would be UX, or user experience.

Google bots are now becoming more and more human-like. Well, that’s one of their original objectives since SEO was born. Google might now be more concerned about UX than we think it is. The so-called ‘stupid’ tool that we are all ruled by, Google Analytics, can now track the percentage of clicks on every link of your pages, track the section of the page you have spent time on, and can even calculate how many words you may have read of a long paragraph!

Now if I say Google will compare prices as a normal user does when they shop online in the future, would you believe me? Will you also believe that Google bot will even ‘close the browser window of your website’ if they think other websites are better than yours? All of these concepts will obviously turn into UX.

I’m glad I’ve got the opportunity to have a vent here at Emote Digital. Will all these predictions happen? We will have to wait and see.

Up next: Converted: How Search Marketing Has Really Clicked For Me

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